Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Surprisingly it has been two weeks since the addition to the family. Kira seems to be doing well. We're having some troubles getting her to recognize night and day, but she's only two weeks old. I think we can forgive her for that.

I've heard horror stories about how first children can be incredibly obnoxious (that might not be the right word) when a sibling comes along. Addie really isn't that way. Yet. She knows who her sister is and likes to hug and kiss her. She also likes to help change Kira's diapers and play "hidin" with her. That being said I think she is starting to realize that she no longer has mom and dads undivided attention. We'll see how she keeps up.

I'd also like to state that at times I really hate people. I can't really say more than that. But suffice to say that there are people that I REALLY think need to pull their heads from a certain body orifice, use their eyes, and stop talking shit.

Many of you know that I really don't like politics. I try to stay out of it. But, I've been reading a few things and some things are bothering me. Things like health care. Why can't the wealthiest nation in the world (money-wise that is) not provide even the most basic health care for it citizens? The question shouldn't be yes or no to health care for all, it should be how is it best accomplished. Furthermore, as Christians shouldn't we all be for health care for everyone? After all we are commanded to love our neighbors and care for the poor?

Another thing that bothers me is pro-life advocates and war advocates and where these two meet. I fail to see how these two can co-exist in the same person. Should someone who is advocating life also jump on the band wagons to tell our sons and daughters to go kill other peoples sons and daughters and be prepared to die as well? What happened to the sanctity of life? Does the unborn child have more value than someone who has loved and been loved for the last however many years of their life?

I've read some other things, said by people I know to be professing Christians, about how the current president is trying to take your money. To which I say let him. As long as you can get the necessities of life who cares how much money you have. It is a creation of men to be desired by men. Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Give unto God what is God's.

Anyway, enough rambling for one night. Maybe I'll post more later.

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