Sunday, April 26, 2009

only two more weeks

Until the end of school. Kind of crazy, but hey then it is summer.

We're looking forward to the summer now that Addie is up and around. We put a fire pit in the back yard, as well as a garden to the side of the house (it is the only place on our yard where we get enough sun to make it really worthwhile.) It will be fun to watch as she learns about things in the garden. Beans, peas, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers. Yum.

Addie continues to amaze us. She has a penchant for wanting to help mom and dad with things. She'll want the broom, or the rake, or to hand dad things when he's fixing stuff around the house. She helped plant the garden the other day as well. She scooped out dirt and dropped seeds (sort of) near where they were suppose to go. She's learning to climb things, as well as trying to run. She doesn't move much faster than she walks, but its different.

Mike is singing with the oratorio chorus this coming saturday (if anyone reads this and wants tickets just ask!). Heidi has started working on things for her craft fair in the fall. If anyone has something they want/need just ask, she might be able to help you out.

I'll try and gather a list of words that Addie uses so you can all be amazed by her.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Who knew

That babies could be so wonderfully funny, tender, and aggravating all at the same time. Here's a couple highlights:

We were sitting at the supper table and Mike burped. I know horror of horrors. Then Heidi did. We told Addie that it was her turn. She opened her mouth and waited for something to come out. When nothing was forthcoming she made her own fake burp. It was hysterical.

Addie likes ducks. Any shape or form. Heidi had purchased some marshmallow ducks for Addie. Well, she did not want to eat them, but she loved to play with them. After picking off their eyebrows of course. Well, over the course of her playing she starting picking at a ducks beak. It was made of hard sugar like the eyebrows. The beak started coming off so Addie stopped gave it a hug and then kissed it. She would not eat the ducks.

I have a willfully stubborn daughter. She'll look directly at you and do exactly what you ask her not too. Unfortunately this includes eating her vegetables. My mother has told me numerous times that she hopes I have a child just like me. She got her wish. I got my daughter. I think I came out on the better end of the deal.